Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So I haven't posted in a while, because I've been feeling like ---well, let's just say, not good at all. Morning sickness? Let's just call it what it is: All day, all night, constant for weeks and weeks sickness. I don't like to post without a picture, but I don't think it would be appropriate to show one of how I really feel, so I'll just find a cute baby one of Ellie and remember that soon I'll have two new angels in my life. That's right, if you haven't already heard... it's twins! I won't find out the sex until Jan. or Feb.


Megan and Jon said...

I have been checking all the time wondering about you. Sorry you aren't feeling well. But what a fantastic reason to feel terrible. TWINS. Whoa how is your tiny body going to handle this. Congrats

Deidra said...

Congrats Holly! We are so excited for you. It is really hard to enjoy all of the sickness and feeling like you have been taken over by an alien force......but if you can kick the sickness it is going to be so fun once they start to move! Take care of the three of you! Love ya

Erin said...

Wow. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I will e-mail you next so we can catch up. (Thanks for finding me!)

Brooke said...

I can't believe you found erin! I was so excited to read your blog! Congrats on the twins, I hope you get feeling better! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you were up to. Your little girl looks like a doll.
My blog is rbheaton.blogspot.com

Tyler and Katie said...

I did hear the good news, my mom called and told me and my dad called and told me five minutes later. He was soooo excited for you. Anyway, my sickness with the twins was definetely double and went longer too. I think it subsided at about 18 weeks! I am so happy for you guys, and you will be the perfect mother of twins because I have discovered that everything you do has to be done FAST! We'll have to talk!

Oh, and you get to eat double, it's true, ya need a lot of food!YES!!!!

Ericka said...

It was so good to see you guys for Thanksgiving!!! I went ahead and sent an invite with the new email address so let me know if it doesn't work! Love you guys and hope you get feeling better soon. Morning sickness is no fun!

Dawn and Chase said...

Holly its time for a new post with an update on how you are feeling!

Love you-
