Holly's belly is really growing quickly, and she'll be at 21 weeks tomorrow (Saturday). The first picture was taken on the 2nd of February, the other two just over two weeks later on the 19th of February. As you can see, quite a difference!
Holly probably could add volumes to all of this, but she's upstairs taking a nap right now, so this will have to do. And yes, that is a potato in Holly's hand in the second pic. Yummy potatoes and gravy!!!
I love it. She looks so cute all pregnanted up. She still seems so tiny to be pregnant with twins.
Yeah for a big belly! You look so cute Holly! I'm getting there.
Awwww! You are so cute preggers! I am glad that you are over being sick all the time! That part sucks rocks!! I can't believe you are already half way done baking on the little twinners. Your vacation looked so awesome! I am jealous as all heck. We so want to go to Europe, especially Switzerland. I have my own personal interpreter and guide. Someday, right! Can't wait to see ya all soon. I have to see you preggers in person!!! Love ya Ang
Holly, you are so adorable pregnant, Pretty sad we are neighbors and I don't hardly see you. I miss seeing you in primary. You look so wonderful and I am glad to see your cute belly.
Oh how cute. I am so glad that you get to experience this oppertunity and that you are over the sick end.....it is the hardest part.. Love ya
You are the cutest Holly! And still so small too! I am so excited for you...has Darcie had her baby yet? I know she's super close.
Oh Holly you look so great! And much, and have a much bigger belly than me at 21 weeks for sure! Ah, the beauty of twins! I'm so glad you're feeling better, Love you all so much!
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