Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh, what beautiful embryos.

Here is picture of our little embryos. Aren't they so cute! The clinic gave these to us the day I got inceminated. The egg on the right is "graded" a B2, which is as perfect a human embryo as you can get. The one on the left is graded a B3+ which is like second place. I guess mice can get embryos graded B1, but never humans. They called me the day after the transfer and said that two more eggs had "blasted" and were good to freeze, so we've got a couple in the freezer for later. Everything went well and was very easy and painless. The doctor just waved her magic wand and impregnated me. I just hope it works. They gave me a couple valium to help me relax, and can I just say... I LOVE DRUGS! I slept like Grandma Ruby in the afternoon. Our pregnancy test is on the 29th, so I'll post as soon as I know.
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